Summer is here and while the warm weather and longer hours of daylight can revive and rejuvenate your spirits, you can often get lost in the enjoyment of the beautiful days to the point that your daily tasks become neglected. Summer has a tendency to become unstructured while life has a tendency to keep moving forward at the same pace that it always has. You can easily get lost in this lack of structure and find yourself overwhelmed with a list of incomplete tasks that need doing. If this happens and the responsibilities of life begin to pile up on you, unnecessary stress can be the result. As you know, stress does terrible things to your body. In an effort to keep stress at a minimum so you can enjoy your summer days without losing focus on living, here are four tips that will help you deal with the unstructured days of summer.
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Summer is upon us, finally, it seemed like winter just didn’t want to let go this year. Now is the time to celebrate cooling foods and start to break into the seasonal fruits and veggies. I still recommend a good green smoothie, year round, but now you can start to reduce the heat in the ginger etc. and start to add in more cooling herbs and spices to cool down the body.Raw foods are more cooling to the body so think cucumber, radish, spinach and kale for example.